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- // Multipurpose CatalogF class implementation
- // Written by Antonio J. Gomez Glez. on 20.6.94
- // You MUST include CatalogF.h in your code.
- // If you use FlexCat, you only have to include the file generated
- // with it.
- #include "CatalogF.h"
- extern "C" {
- #include <clib/locale_protos.h>
- #include <inline/locale.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- };
- unsigned CatalogF::counter = 0; // counter of open catalogs
- struct LocaleBase* LocaleBase = 0; // We will try to open locale.library
- // Constructor:
- // Needs:- filename of the catalog to be used. NEEDED!!
- // - built in language of the catalog descriptor. defaults to "english"
- // - language requested. Otherwise, it will use the user defined one.
- // - requested version number for the catalog. defaults to any.
- // - Locale (as returned by OpenLocale). defaults to user defined one.
- //
- // Try to open locale.library for the first CatalogF object declared. And
- // keeps with this with following objects.
- // Counts the number of defined objects.
- // And opens the catalog if avaible.
- CatalogF::CatalogF( const STRPTR catalogFileName,
- const STRPTR builtInLanguage,
- const LONG versionNumber,
- const STRPTR languageName,
- struct Locale* loc )
- {
- if ( counter == 0 ) // means that this is the first object
- {
- LocaleBase = (struct LocaleBase* )OpenLibrary("locale.library", 38L );
- }
- counter++;
- if ( LocaleBase != 0 )
- { // locale.library is avaible
- LONG tag = TAG_IGNORE; // in case language not provided use default
- if (languageName != 0) // if language specified, use that
- {
- tag = OC_Language;
- }
- thecatalog = OpenCatalog( loc,
- catalogFileName,
- OC_BuiltInLanguage, builtInLanguage,
- tag, languageName,
- OC_Version, versionNumber,
- } // else use built-in strings
- }
- // Destructor:
- // If locale.library was opened, try to close the catalog, even if no catalog
- // was opened (this is supported by CloseCatalog()).
- // When the counter of avaible objects reaches 0, it try to close locale.library
- CatalogF::~CatalogF()
- {
- counter--;
- if ( LocaleBase != 0 )
- {
- CloseCatalog( thecatalog );
- if ( counter == 0 )
- {
- struct LocaleBase* lb = LocaleBase;
- CloseLibrary( (struct Library* )lb );
- LocaleBase = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // Retrive the string.
- // If there is locale.library and a opened catalog returns the catalog
- // string, else returns the built-in string.
- //
- // Needs a struct of type catMessage that contains the value ID and the
- // string itself. The name of this constant struct is the ID name. This way
- // we avoid the use of #define's or const, or any type of search ...
- // it returns a const pointer (STRPTR) to the string.
- // This method is constant so CatalogFs object can be declared to be const
- const STRPTR
- CatalogF::GetStr(const CatMessage& mess) const
- {
- if ( LocaleBase == 0 )
- {
- return( mess.textstring );
- }
- else
- {
- return( GetCatalogStr(thecatalog, mess.ID, mess.textstring) );
- }
- }